Educational reading websites for elementary students
Educational reading websites for elementary students

This set of resources from the Mid-Atlantic Equity Consortium, which operates the Center for Education Equity (Equity Assistance Center (EAC) Region I), includes online conversations, webinars, weekly newsletters and other curated resources for educators and families. This online learning module from the IRIS Center offers tips for parents to support your child’s learning at home during the COVID-19 pandemic.

educational reading websites for elementary students educational reading websites for elementary students

  • Parents: Supporting Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
  • This collection of resources provides families with practical tips and resources to support ongoing learning needs during school closures. The resources below are grouped and organized by content, including General Resources, Literacy, Writing and Math Resources and resources for Helping Children and Families Process COVID-19. This section highlights “Learning at Home” resources and provides activities for parents and families to support continued learning outcomes with their children at home during the coronavirus pandemic.

    Educational reading websites for elementary students